This study aims to determine to what extent some socioeconomic variables determined for Turkey affect different dimensions of women’s employment. In this context, the Fully Modified Least Square (FMOLS) Method was used to detect this effect. The variables of the rate of women graduating from higher education as an indicator of higher education, the gender wage gap as an indicator of gender-based discrimination, the price index of pre-school and primary school education as an indicator of child care costs, and the urban/rural female population ratio as an indicator of rural-to-urban migration were discussed. The increase in child care costs reduces the women’s employment aged 15-24 and the women’s employment aged 25+. However, the increase in the child care cost has a more than three time impact on the decline in women’s employment aged 15-24. The increase in gender discrimination in the labor market increases both the women’s employment aged 15-24 and the women’s employment aged 25+ at almost the same level. The increase in rural-urban migration increases the women’s women’s employment aged 15-24, while it reduces the women’s employment aged 25+. The increase in women’s higher education level increases the women’s employment aged 15-24 and the women’s employment aged 25+.
Keywords: Women’s Employment, Gender Wage Gap, Rural to Urban Migration, Higher Education, Childcare Costs
Turkish | Primary Language |
Applied Economics (Other) | Subjects |
Research Article | Journal Section |
Türkiye: Demet ÖZOCAKLI Gaziantep University 0000-0003-3766-7012 Iran:Bahman KHANALİZADEH 0000-0002-6291-978X |
Authors |
October 18, 2023 | Publication Date |
Year 2023 Volume: 10 Issue: 4 | Published in Issue |
Özocaklı, D. & Khanalizadeh, B. (2023). TÜRKİYE’DE KADIN İSTİHDAMININ BAZI BELİRLEYİCİLERİ: FMOLS YÖNTEMİ İLE BİR ANALİZ . Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi , 10 (4) , 1131-1144 . Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/asead/issue/80484/1363141 |